Chaire de Biotechnologie de CentraleSupélec
Use our advanced engineering to
Create the bioindustry of tomorrow through the digital twin concept
The Chaire de Biotechnologie of CentraleSupélec, launched in 2010 and located in the Centre Européen de Biotechnologie et de Bioéconomie (CEBB), has three areas of expertise:
- Characterization & conversion of lignocellulosics,
- Biotransformation,
- Downstream processing.
Backed by the Process Engineering and Materials Laboratory, this chair is a strong link between its head institution – CentraleSupélec – and economic and academic actors; most of the R&D activities are led in regional, national and international collaborative projects. With its training of high-level general engineers, CentraleSupélec has a strong expertise in modeling applied to (bio)process and (bio)materials. Thus, in addition to the experimental approach, the three areas of expertise of the Chair significantly rely on a set of core skills in Modeling, Simulation & Visualization, more particularly oriented towards the modeling of life mechanisms and the up-scaling of processes for the industry.
The Chair of Biotechnology of CentraleSupélec, renewed in 2020, is co-financed by the Département de la Marne (7 M€), Greater Reims (1 M€), the Région Grand Est and the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund ERDF Champagne Ardenne 2014-2020 (3.65 M€), and Grand Est 2021-2027 - 3,65 M€)
Centre Européen de Biotechnologie et de Bioéconomie
3, rue des Rouges Terres
51110 Pomacle, France